Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lucky Street Pencil (The Poetics of Re-use)

Adam Good gave sheets of stickers to everyone in the audience when he introduced the reading at DCAC.

"...the pychosis of influence..."
Lucky street pencils and found notebooks lead to poems. Buck Downs talks about re-use, reads from the Ted Berrigan's Sonnets as well as his own work, "A Fresh 24." Use non-functioning objects [words] and bring them them to life.

Brian Howe with Audrey after the reading @ Angles in Adams Morgan.
Brian discussed/read from F7, a project that utilizes Word's spellcheck feature. Cage-influenced, Brian tried various ways of typing in a non-reglar manner for the project, turning the keyboard backwards, etc. Reminded me of Derek Bailey's non-idiomatic guitar playing. Before his reading Brian performed a sampled/improvised sound-piece.

from the notebooks of brian & audrey

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